Network Strategies

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The Scottish Executive appoints Network Strategies to support high tech start-ups

It is generally accepted that while many innovative, high tech companies are technically proficient there is often a lack of high level sales and marketing expertise which can limit their capacity to grow and weaken their ability to compete.

Network Strategies have been appointed by the Scottish Executive to help fill this gap by advising aspiring companies within the prestigious SMART and SPUR programmes on their marketing strategy and associated business structures and resources.

Under this new initiative to improve the performance of SMART and SPUR award recipients Network Strategies will conduct market research and business audits which will identify where a company’s products are most likely to sell and at what market price; provide information on both domestic and international competitors and how to overcome barriers to entry; and evaluate customers’ needs and how the intended product or process meets their requirements.

Network Strategies will also address other critical factors facing the company that might inhibit their ability to fully exploit the product/process potential; and offer an action plan to tackle them. Each report will also include a roadmap to further forms of assistance that may be available from the Scottish Enterprise Network or other organisations.

Commenting on the appointment Network Strategies’ Managing Director Peter Jackson said “ This innovation by the Scottish Executive allows us to share our in-depth experience of managing and marketing high growth businesses from around the world with the many exciting R&D led companies being created in Scotland”

For more information on SMART and SPUR go to
